Hamed Barzamini

Hamed Barzamini

PhD Student of Software Engineering for Artificial Intelligence

Northern Illinois University

I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at the Northern Illinois University. My research focus is on the fields of Requirements Engineering for ML-base software components. Currently, I am working on specifying Non-Functional Requirements (NFR), such as re-usability, robustness, and safety, for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled software systems, such as pedestrian detectors in the automotive domain. Download my CV.

  • Requirements Engineering For AI
  • Explainable AI (XAI)
  • Deep Learning Models
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2024

    Northern Illinois University

  • Master of Science in Software Engineering, 2015

    Shahid Beheshti University

  • BSc in Software Engineering, 2012

    University of Mazandaran
