I am presently in my third year of Ph.D. studies at Northern Illinois University, with a concentrated interest in the areas of Software Maintenance and Evolution, Mining Software Repositories, Software Testing, and Software Vulnerability Detection. My current research is primarily focused on Software Vulnerability Detection, specifically utilizing Multi-Dimensional Representation of Source Code to identify potential software vulnerabilities. The primary challenge lies in the limited availability of vulnerability datasets, necessitating the innovative use of existing datasets across various dimensions. This approach will enable us to create a multitude of features that can be employed to train Deep Learning models. In the end, my primary research objective is to unveil patterns in how attack and defense mechanisms simultaneously evolve within software systems. Download my CV.
PhD in Computer Science, 2025
Northern Illinois University
Ms in Computer Science, 2019
Florida State University
BSc in Computer Science & Engineering, 2009
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh